Passive energy dissipation systems encompass a range of materials and devices for enhancing damping. They can be used both for natural hazard mitigation and for rehabilitation of aging or deficient structures. Among the current passive energy dissipation systems, tuned liquid column damper (TLCD), a class of passive control that utilizes liquid in a 'U' shape reservoir to control structural vibration of the primary system, has been widely researched in a variety of applications. This paper focus in TLCD application for wind turbines presenting the mathematical model as well as the methods used to overcome the nonlinearity embedded in the system. Optimization methods are used to determine optimum parameters of the system. Additionally, a comparative analysis is done considering the equivalent linearized system and the nonlinear system under random excitation with the goal of compare the nonlinear model with the linear equivalent and investigated the effectiveness of the TLCD. The results are shown using two types of random excitation, a white noise and a first order filters spectrum, the latter presents more satisfactory results since the excitation spectrum is physically more realistic than white noise spectrum model. The results indicate that TLCDs at optimal tuning can significantly dissipate energy of the primary structure between 3 to 11%.